Auctions are becoming increasingly popular. Creative Legals are specialist solicitors for auction sellers and buyers. Creative Legals’ auction lawyers have been preparing and reviewing auction packs for over three decades.
Instructing the right lawyer becomes more critical when dealing with auction legal packs in London. Your solicitor should be an auction expert who understands the auction legal pack process in London and can help you to create the appropriate legal pack for you quickly and correctly. Creative Legals specialist auction solicitors pride themselves in providing a FASTER, SMART and BETTER Auction legal pack service in London.
email – info@creativelegals.co.uk
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Features of Creative Legal’s Auction Legal Pack
- No sale no legal fee guarantee – you are given the peace of mind of knowing that you pay no fees if you do not find a buyer for your auction sale.
- Fixed Fees – you have the transparency of knowing what you need to pay due to our popular FIXED FEES for legal auction packs
- Legal fees for your auction sale from just £450 – that is for the whole auction process from beginning to end (including the legal auction pack)

If you are selling by auction, choose Creative Legals specialist auction lawyers to get help you prepare your auction legal pack in London and your sale through to completion. You will have the peace of mind of knowing that Creative Legals auction lawyers will do it FASTER, SMARTER and BETTER.
Creative Legals also provides services for auction buyers, using a team of dedicated, experienced auction legal pack lawyers in London.
Creative Legals auction lawyers already have extensive experience in preparing auction legal packs for sellers. So, they know exactly what to look for to ensure you are protected and help enhance your position. This helps you know before you buy auctions and gives you a better chance of winning.
If you are wise enough to choose Creative Legals to review you auction legal pack in London you will benefit from:
• Fixed legal fees from just £300
• Speed, efficiency and expertise – this is all part of their excellent service
• Clear and concise communication in plain English
If you are buying a property at auction, choose CREATIVE Legals to get your purchase through to completion efficiently and hassle-free.
For more information,
Please call 020 313 76 336 or
email – info@creativelegals.co.uk
London Office – 63-66 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8LE
Rushden Office – 121A High St, Rushden NN10 0NZ
What is an Auction legal pack in London?
A legal pack is the set of documentation prepared by the seller’s auction solicitor. These are available to download via the property details page on the website. A hard copy will usually be available in the auction room too. The usual elements of a legal pack are:
• Official Copy of Register of Title (Office Copy Entry)
• Land Registry and Local Searches
• Special Conditions of Sale
• Property Information Form
• Fixtures and Fittings Form
• Management Information
• Leases
• Tenancy Agreements
• Planning Permission Documentation

We recommend that you review the Auction legal pack in London. Your legal advisors must be able to help. Pay particular attention to the Special Conditions of Sale, which will include pertinent information about the property, including the completion date and additional disbursements payable.
Where can I find an Auction legal pack in London?
The legal packs will be available to all prospective buyers via the particular auctioneer’s website. To access them, simply click the link on the property details page which will take you to the Auction Passport system. When you first use most of the sites, you will need to register by providing your name and email address. Once you have done this, you should receive notification of updates to the auction legal pack in London as and when additional documents are added.
As an auction seller, do I need an auction solicitor
You will undoubtedly need a solicitor. You may want to appoint one as soon as you enter a property into an auction. It is best to choose a specialist auction solicitor such as Creative Legals because particular expertise is required. Your appointed auction solicitor will be responsible for creating the auction legal pack in London without delay and will handle the conveyancing of the sale after exchange through to completion. Creative Legals offer a FASTER, SMARTER and BETTER service.

As an auction purchaser, do I need a solicitor?
It is not imperative, but it is recommended. We advise buyers to consult an auction solicitor before the auction to advise on the content of the auction legal pack in London. Taking legal advice is part of your necessary due diligence before you bid. Regular auction buyers may feel experienced enough to do this work themselves, but we always recommend that you consult a solicitor.
If you are the successful purchaser, you will need to have your appointed solicitor’s details available for completion of the memorandum of sale.
If you are not a regular auction buyer, we would strongly recommend that you seek advice from a solicitor before bidding. They will be able to cast an expert eye over the auction legal pack in London and provide you with professional advice. Creative Legals offer this service at a fixed fee. Whilst it is not compulsory to have the auction legal pack checked by a solicitor, most of those who bid at auction will appreciate the assurance of a legal opinion.
Buyers will usually consult an auction solicitor or conveyancer before the auction to advise on the content of the legal pack. Taking legal advice is part of your necessary due diligence before you bid. Some regular auction buyers may feel experienced enough to do this work themselves, but we recommend that you do consult an auction solicitor. If required, do speak with the auctions team about who to use and what you need them to do.
If you are the successful purchaser, you will need to have your appointed solicitor’s details available for completion of the memorandum of sale.
What checks do I need to do for my due diligence?
It is imperative to carry out certain checks before buying an auction property. These checks include checks on the property, the property condition, remedial works required, property location and property suitability. They also include going through the auction legal pack in London including title documents, searches, special conditions of sale and other related papers. It is prudent to engage the services of an auction solicitor to check the auction legal pack in London and advise on their findings. Creative Legals specialist auction lawyers offer an excellent service at a FIXED FEE. They can check your auction legal pack in London and provide you with preliminary advice to help you bid with confidence.

Can a first-time buyer purchase a property at auction?
Yes. An increasing number of first-time buyers are now purchasing properties by way of auction.
We recommend that you get good understanding of the process first. You may want to attend an auction. Recognise that there is need for speed. You will need to work quickly when you find the property that you intend to purchase.
How about the auction finance?
Work out how much you can afford to pay for the property and associated costs of purchase, then start searching for a suitable property in your area of choice.
If you need a mortgage, like most first-time buyers, it is sensible to start arranging this as soon as possible – it will help you to set your budget, to bid with confidence knowing that you have the funds needed and to get things moving quickly when you do make the winning bid. Remember if you do need a mortgage then the property needs to be mortgageable; you will probably appoint a surveyor or another professional to check the property for you and provide advice on value. You will also need a solicitor to examine the legal pack and advise on any problems. Then with help from others decide on your budget and maximum bid before attending the auction. Then check your finances, make sure that you have the 10% deposit accessible as you will be required to pay it over on the day plus any other associated costs.
First-time buyers purchase at auction because it can save them money, especially if they are prepared to do some DIY which will add value to the property after they have purchased it. It is a faster way to buy, but there can be risks and you really must do all necessary due diligence before bidding in the room because the fall of the gavel delivers a binding exchange of contracts and there is no turning back.
I am not a cash buyer. Can I buy a property at auction?
Yes, you can. However, there are real risks.
You will nearly always need to have the deposit monies, however if you have other property assets you may be able to borrow against these. Some purchasers buy with a traditional mortgage, but to do so you will need to ensure you choose a lender who can act quickly.
Can I buy at auction with a mortgage
Yes, you can. But beware of the risks of failure to complete.
Your property will need to be mortgageable. You will need to have your mortgage in place and your mortgage offer to hand when you bid in the auction room. A decision in principle is a comfort, but it does not provide the certainty needed. It is not an unconditional offer. Remember that exchange of contracts takes place on the fall of the hammer. So, you will want to have your funding guaranteed before the bid to ensure it is available for completion, which is normally a few days later (28 days or less).
Creative Legals would be delighted to help you. We work with many auction houses across the country. They recommend us to their client because they know that our service is FASTER,SMARTER and BETTER. If you are an auction house, contact us today to see how we can help add value to your business.
We helped with numerous sellers save time and money in London. We have saved buyers getting into unattractive deals. Contact us today for a free consultation on how we can help you. Simply click the link below for a free consultation with one of our expert auction solicitors or call us on 0203 313 76 316.